

The leaf-Caster of sheet former an item that is word undertaken. Experiments to replace missing portions of documents by matted fibers. The documents to be repaired is weighted and placed on a sheet of graph paper ruled in millimeters where the size of the sheet and the area of its missing portions are established. The substance of the paper in noted and the quantity of pulp required to repair the document is estimated.


A deacidification process can be used to prevent the acid deterioration of the paper. In this chemical process the acid turns an alkaline and leaves a buffed surface which prevents the acid from begin activated again. This deacidification process is made page by page.
In aqueous deacidification treatment, the affinity of molecules of water, allows the solution to penetrate the fibrous structure of the paper.

The treatment facilitates a uniform deposition of the alkaline reserve, and a simple wash with water, often increases the strength of the paper perceptibility, possibly by washing out fine particulate matters.


Digital transformation is entering a new phase. As companies aim to perfect their digital strategy, those that succeed with digital business transformation will rapidly respond to changing digital environments and embrace new digital technologies and processes. This service is provided by Potomac Bookbinding, LLC.

Our Price per Image:

1. Free pickup of all documents for scanning

2. Document preparation includes the work associated with preparing a document for imaging and all tasks associated to cleanly convert a document to a digital image.

3. Repair and mended adjusting bent corners, taping paper tears with non acidic archival tissues, taping paper tears, and staple removal.

4. Document Imaging Set Up. this includes programming to créate a batch class that is customer specific, the output path for the image and image formatting.

5. Scan/Image Capture. This includes scanning every document in any format required; black & white, or color. This is the process of taking physical paper documents and transferring them to digital images.

6. Scanning and Imaging Processing, Physical documents are converted to an electronic format at 300 DPI, in black and white/color as a PDF multi-page image. The images will be scanned in duplex mode set with automatic blank page deletion. Deskewing, auto orientation, and edge clean up will be an automated process completed at the time of Quality Control.

7. Quality Control—Comparing the physical document to the digital image for final export.

8. Image Indexing—Index fields according to your needs: 2 fields; (e.g. File number, Corp, Last Name, First Name,) Index Fields are customer defined and added to the digitalized images.

9. Export In any format usually PDF to an encrypted DVD, Flash Drive, Hard Drive, or Drop Box.


Money Book

Picture Frames



Bookbinding and Wood craftsmanship with Jewelry. We also offer the combination of these arts; family Bibles in leather spine with wood covers, or beautiful leather bindings decorated with eighteen or fourteen karat gold.

14K - 18K gold decorated

Clamshell and Book

Slip Case For Books



This sample book shows a range of our most popular leather products for fine bookbinding Our Goat and Calf leather, vegetal tanned, comes from the South Ameican Andean goat which is a very resistant fiber due to several factors proper of those regions; such as: type of natural food (rich in fiber and low fat), clime and their short hair that helps to develop a very resistant skin. Vegetal tanned process is used, which improves embossing and molding. This process is according to enviromental protection standars.


Marbled papers are traditionally made by floating paints on a bath, usually made from carrageenan. A stylus or comb is then used to create the various designs. After teh sheet of paper is carefully laid onto the surface, the pattern is immediately transferred to the paper, rinsed and hung on a rack to dry.


The deacidification and restoration of:

Rare antiquarian books
Family Bibles
Church Records
Special Collections of Research Libraries
State and local Archives
Historical Libraries
Conservation Storage boxes for books
Workshops on basic books and conservation

Fine Bookbinding:

Rare and old books
Medical Journals
Thesis and Dissertations
Gold Stamping

Member of:

The American Institute For Conservation
Guild of Book Workers
Smithsonian Institution
Pyramid Atlantic